Is Your Candidate Experience Damaging Your Employer Brand?

Why is candidate experience so important?

Ask yourself, truthfully, do your candidates honestly rate the experience they have had with your company as the most fantastic experience of all time? Probably not.

Harsh we know, but don’t worry; you’re not the only one. We see, all too often, huge investment thrown into employer branding which often misses the point.

Even large corporations with healthy budgets and teams of top marketing and brand industry experts are very much focussed on presenting the right image, but are then failing to generate great candidate experience.

In the ‘war for talent’ Employer Branding is more important than ever. It’s a candidate-driven market, especially in the tech sector where there is a definite shortfall in skilled talent, candidates have something very powerful: choice. Employer Branding is seen as the magic ingredient that can make you the choice of company above all others.

But, it’s not just about presenting the right image to attract talent; it’s the candidate experience that follows. The fundamental mechanics of how a person experiences a brand, as a candidate, hasn’t changed. Yet, at Context Recruitment we see first-hand that it is still a negative and frustrating experience for many candidates we work with.

The main culprit for this dissatisfied feeling?….

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